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Boulder QR Code Campaign

QR Code Design

This QR Code T-Shirt design was created for a QR Code campaign in Boulder, Colorado, and for use at a NACA Convention in Hartford, Connecticut.  QR Codes are just like bar codes, except that they can be “read” by free QR reader Apps on iPhones, Androids, and Blackberry Devices, by taking and scanning a photograph with the mobile device.

The goal of this campaign was to encourage free sharing of music, as opposed to music “Piracy”, so we chose the primary message of “You Are Not A Pirate”, followed by three alternate messages: “I’m In The Band”, “I’m With The Band”, and “I Love This Band”.  Beneath these message are the QR codes, which each download a song onto the mobile device, begin playing, and subsequently added into the device’s media library or iTunes software.

The graphic design style for the shirt design uses clean, bold fonts and tight line height for the primary messaging, allowing for interesting use of the negative space between the text lines to invert the text and background colors.  Several shirt variations were designed and printed with different QR code song downloads on each design, so fans of the band could choose the design that contained their favorite song choices.  Boulder was a perfect location to test and run a campaign like this, as it is a very tech-savy area with a large college-aged population. This setting turned out to be ideal for both the QR Code poster campaign along the Pearl Street Mall poster kiosks, as well in preparation for the NACA Music conference.  These shirts were printed by Advantage Design in Lafayette, Colorado.