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iPhone/Android Yoga Mobile App

Boulder iphonae Android App development

The Little Yoga Studio iPhone & Android Mobile App was created for this Boulder Colorado Yoga Studio, and serves as an easy way for their Boulder-based students to quickly access the most up-to-date class schedules, instructors, and yoga studio contact info.  This iPhone & Android Mobile App Development project was tightly integrated with MindBodyOnline’s class schedule API, along side the Boulder Yoga Studio’s WordPress website, to dynamically deliver the most current, real-time yoga class information to the mobile app.

The Little Yoga Studio offers low-cost & convenient $10 drop-in yoga classes in Boulder anytime of day. Offering their clients a simple, easy-to-use, Mobile App for iPhone & Android devices allows students to stay current with class schedules, cancellations, and instructor substitutions throughout the day in real-time.  The Mobile App also features Google Maps location information for the Boulder Studio, as well as iPhone & Android integrated Mobile App calling features to make contacting the Boulder studio as easy as a single touch inside the Mobile App.

Mobile App Development for iPhone & Android

The iPhone & Android mobile app development process stemmed heavily from the Little Yoga Studio website design and existing branding & marketing materials, and it was a requirement that the mobile app have a consistent user experience with the website, and physical yoga studio location in Boulder, Co.  After initial wire framing & interface design creative was approved by the Boulder client, the mobile App was rapidly developed and deployed for testing onto several different physical devices including iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad, and HTC Thunderbolt.  The functionality behind mobile app user interface leverages jQuery mobile library for iPhone/iPad/Android touch functionality, as well as custom graphic elements, icons, textures, and other interface elements.  During early stages of the project, the Mobile App was reviewed by this Boulder client, and feedback was incorporated into the final mobile app that is now available in both the iTunes App Store, as well as the Android Marketplace.

Rapid iPhone & Android App Deployment

For this Boulder client, an important factor was that the mobile app be developed & deployed simultaneously to the iTunes App Store as well as the Android market.  Boulder, Co, is a very tech-savy demographic, so having a mobile app for the Little Yoga Studio adds significant value for both yoga students in and around Boulder,  as well as for the business itself by aiding the marketing & promotional efforts during the critical early stages of this new business.  Mobile App updates are also enabled so that additional features and fixes can be offered automatically to all that install the app on either iPhones or Android devices.