2024 winner!

Cloudburst Design wins the Web Excellence Awards
"Best of the best" in web design and development!

Shift Giving Website Design

Boulder Web Design

The Shift Giving To Nature Website Design project was a fun and creative project with an incredible message & overall goal of helping site visitors connect with charities that raise money to protect endangered species.  After an initial consultation with the client, it was clear that this Boulder web design project would need to center around a primary video that the client created, and strongly evoke a connection to nature and the natural world while maintaining a clean and elegant look and feel on the site.

To accomplish these overall design goals within the actual website design, we started with a vibrant sky blue gradient, and then added cloud elements and rays of the sun coming from just beyond the top of the display screen.  We then added flourishes of organic elements, leaves, plants, and grasses to naturally frame the video window and create a rich, vibrant setting for the final video piece.  Other elements within this website design creative include a prominent text logo and tag line featuring subtle gradients, as well areas for site visitors to sign a commitment pledge, and sign-up for email newsletter reminders.  Several Non-Govermental Organizations (NGO’s) are also featured in the lower portion of the design to encourage and facilitate site visitors to start making donations to these organizations as easily and quickly as possible.  Social media components for Facebook and Twitter are located beneath the video, and allow visitors to “Like” the site and also to “tweet” the Shift Giving To Nature page directly to their twitter feed.  These social components allow for faster and viral sharing of the www.shiftgivingtonature.org URL, and helps their compelling message to as wide an audience as possible.

After several round of website design revisions with the client, the final site design was reached, and coding and development began.  WordPress was requested by the client as the preferred platform for the final website, so we developed the original creative design into a custom WordPress Theme, and fully customized the admin interface so the client can easily and quickly make updates to the site.  Full control over the video code, site analytics, pledge statistics, and Aweber email list integration and newsletters, as well as the NGO’s listed on the site are fully maintained and populated by the client.